The recent heat wave in Nelson has been unbelievable, some might say even unbearable and, It’s making a lot of people feel extremely uncomfortable.
The great news is, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has several methods to help you feel better including; acupuncture, Chinese medicinal herbs and Yang Sheng Fa (healthy lifestyle and dietary recommendations).
Today, I’m going to offer you 3 simple tips from the Yang sheng fa branch of TCM to help you beat this summer heat.
1. Eat Cooling Foods.
In TCM we like to use food as medicine, so when you’re out and about doing your groceries make sure to drop a couple of these cooling foods in your basket:
Watermelon, mung beans, apple, spinach, zucchini, cucumber and of course some peppermint.
All of these foods have internally cooling properties that will help bring your body temperature down, providing you with the comfort you need to stay balanced through the season.
Remember, during the season of summer heat- all you need is a little, choosing smaller portions and lighter foods will help keep your digestion strong.
2. Avoid excess sweating. Add self care practices.
Simple and important. In TCM we understand that summer heat and excess sweating, can impair the body fluids and lead to exhaustion of the Yin Fluids (blood, jing / essence, body fluids). When this happens, dehydration can creep in causing illness and distress.
Aside from the heat, in TCM we understand summer as a time of growth and expansion. And so, it is a time to nourish creative projects, go to bed later and rise earlier, add tai chi or qi gong to your morning routine and remember to rest in the midday heat.
Remember to moderate heavy or intensely physical outdoor activities. And, tune in to the rhythm of the season.
3. Stay well hydrated.
Dehydration can stress the heart and impair the kidneys’ ability to maintain the correct level of fluids and electrolyte balance in the body.
Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day remembering to replace lost salts and minerals with electrolytes to help keep your cell function healthy and your body balanced. A few choices you can find at your local grocery store are: Ener-C, Emergen-C or pedialite, or, try adding 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water.
Remember, signs of heat exhaustion can look like; heavy sweating, pale complexion, muscle cramps, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache and nausea or vomiting.
With these TCM tips I hope you happily navigate and enjoy the season of summer heat.
May you explore, expand and blossom.
And remember, you are the Dao.

If you have any questions about the article or concerns about your health, feel free to contact us or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Julia Pileski R.TCM.P
Blue Heron Traditional Chinese Medicine