Chinese medicine has a long and complex history that stretches back thousands of years. In ancient times, the Chinese people believed in a spiritual world that was closely connected to the physical world. They believed that illness and other problems in the physical world were caused by imbalances or disturbances in the spiritual world. To address these imbalances and restore balance to the physical world, the ancient Chinese turned to shamans, who were believed to have special spiritual powers that allowed them to communicate with the spiritual world and influence it.
The Wu shamans were an important part of this tradition. Wu is a Chinese word that means “shaman” or “sorcerer,” and the Wu shamans were believed to be able to communicate with spirits, ancestors, and other supernatural beings. They were also believed to be able to perform rituals and use special herbs and other substances to heal the sick and bring good fortune to those in need.

The Wu shamans played a central role in the development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). They used a variety of techniques, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other forms of energy healing, to treat a wide range of ailments. They also developed a system of diagnosis that relied on observing the signs and symptoms of illness, as well as examining the patient’s pulse and other indicators of health.
The Wu shamans were also involved in divination and other forms of spiritual guidance. They used a variety of methods to communicate with the spirits, including drumming, chanting, and the use of hallucinogenic plants. They were also believed to be able to communicate with the spirits of the dead and act as intermediaries between the living and the deceased.
Over time, the practices of the Wu shamans became more formalized and were codified into the system of TCM that is still practiced today. While many of the spiritual elements of the Wu shamanic tradition have been lost, the techniques and principles of TCM continue to be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of health problems.
If you are curious to feel the history of the wu shamans medicine, in todays’ clinical practice, feel free to book an appointment with Dr. Julia Pileski at Blue Heron Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nelson B.C.
Dr. Julia Pileski + Gpt-3
Blue Heron Traditional Chinese Medicine